Scientific Vita

Prof. Dr.

Ulrike Protzer

Academic Education and University Degrees

Board Exam „Microbiology and Virology“
2002 - 2005
Training in Medical Microbiology, University Hospital Cologne,Germany
Board exam „Internal Medicine“; Clinical training, University Hospital Mainz, Germany
1992 - 1996
Clinical training, University Hospital Mainz, Germany
1990 - 1991
“Arzt im Praktikum”, MD, full approbation as clinician
1982 - 1988
Medical School, University of Erlangen, Germany


Since 11/2007
Full professor (W3) and Chair of Virology, TUM Since 11/2007 Director Institute of Virology, TUM / HMGU
2002 - 2007
Junior group leader “Molecular Infectiology” at the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, Germany
1996- 2000
Postdoctoral scientist, Center of Molecular Biology Heidelberg, Germany Department “Virus – host interaction of hepatitis B virus” (H. Schaller)
1. Su J, Brunner L, Ates Oz E, Sacherl J, Frank G, Kerth HA, Thiele F, Wiegand M, Mogler C, Cesar Aguilar J, Knolle P, Collin N, Kosinska A, Protzer U. (2023) Activation of CD4 T cells during prime immunization determines the success of a therapeutic hepatitis B vaccine in HBV-carrier mouse models. J Hepatol. 78:717-730. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2022.12.013.
2. Wratil PR*, Stern M*, Priller A*, Willmann A, Almanzar G, Vogel E, Feuerherd M, Cheng CC, Yazici S, Christa C, Jeske S, Lupoli G, Vogt T, Albanese M, Mejías-Pérez E, Bauernfried S, Graf N, Mijocevic H, Vu M, Tinnefeld K, Wettengel J, Hoffmann D, Muenchhoff M, Daechert C, Mairhofer H, Krebs S, Fingerle V, Graf A, Steininger P, Blum H, Hornung V, Liebl B, Überla K, Prelog M, Knolle P, Keppler OT, Protzer U. (2022) Three exposures to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 by either infection or vaccination elicit superior neutralizing immunity to all variants of concern. Nat Med. 28:496-503. doi: 10.1038/s41591-022-01715-4. *equal contribution.
3. Körber N*, Priller A*, Yazici S*, Bauer T*, Cheng C-C, Mijočević H, Wintersteller H, Jeske S, Vogel E Feuerherd M, Tinnefeld K, Gerhard M, Haller B, Christa C, Zelger O, Roggendorf H, Halle M, Erber J, Lingor P, Keppler O, Zehn D, Protzer U*, Knolle PA*. (2022) Dynamics of spike- and nucleocapsid specific immunity during long-term follow-up and vaccination of SARS-CoV-2 convalescents. Nat Commun. 13(1):153. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27649-y. *equal contribution.
4. Michler T, Kosinska A, Festag J, Bunse T, Su J, Ringelhan M, Imhof H, Grimm D, Steiger K, Mogler C, Heikenwalder M, Michel ML, Guzman CA, Milstein S, Sepp-Lorenzio L, Knolle P, Protzer U. (2020) Knockdown of virus antigen expression increases therapeutic vaccine efficacy in high-titer HBV carrier mice. Gastroenterology. 158:1762-1775. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.01.032.
5. Wisskirchen K*, Kah J*, Malo A, Asen T, Volz T, Allweiss L, Wettengel JM, Lütgehetmann M, Urban S, Bauer T, Dandri M*, Protzer U*. (2019) T-cell receptor grafting allows virological control of hepatitis B virus infection. J Clin Invest. 129(7):2932-2945. doi: 10.1172/JCI120228. *equal contribution.
6. Burwitz B*, Wettengel J*, Mück-Häusl M*, Ringelhan M, Ko C, Festag MM, Hammond KB, Northrup M, Bimber BN, Jacob T, Reed JS, Reed N, Park B, Moller-Tank S, Esser K, Greene JM, Wu HL, Abdulhaqq S, Webb G, Sutton WF, Klug A, Swanson T, Legasse AW, Vu TQ, Asokan A, Haigwood NL, Protzer U*, Sacha J*. (2017) Hepatocytic expression of human sodium-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide enables hepatitis B virus infection of macaques. Nat Commun. 8:2146. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01953-y. *equal contribution.
7. Xia Y, Stadler D, Lucifora J, Reisinger F, Webb D, Hösel M, Michler T, Wisskirchen K, Cheng X, Zhang K, Chao W-M, Wettengel J, Malo A, Bohne F, Hoffmann D, Eyer F, Thimme R, Thasler WE, Heikenwalder M, Protzer U. (2016) Interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α produced by T cells reduce the HBV persistence form, cccDNA, without cytolysis. Gastroenterology. 150:194-202. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.09.026.
8. Dargel C, Bassani-Sternberg M, Hasreiter J, Zani F, Bockmann JH, Thiele F, Bohne F, Wisskirchen K, Wilde S, Sprinzl MF, Schendel DJ, Krackhardt AM, Uckert W, Wohlleber D, Schiemann M, Stemmer K, Heikenwälder M, Busch DH, Richter G, Mann M, Protzer U. (2015) T cells engineered to express a T-cell receptor specific for glypican-3 to recognize and kill hepatoma cells in vitro and in mice. Gastroenterology. 149:1042-1050. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.05.055.
9. Lucifora J*, Xia Y*, Reisinger F, Zhang K, Stadler D, Cheng X, Sprinzl M, Koppensteiner H, Li Y, Makowska Z, Volz T, Remouchamps C, Chou W-M, Thasler W, Hüser N, Durantel D, Münk C, Heim MH, Browning JL, Dejardin E, Dandri M, Schindler M, Heikenwalder M*, Protzer U*. (2014) Specific and non-hepatotoxic degradation of nuclear hepatitis B virus cccDNA. Science. 343:1121-1128. doi: 10.1126/science.1243462. *equal contribution.
10. Krebs K, Böttinger N, Huang LR, Chmielewski M, Arzberger S, Gasteiger G, Jäger C, Schmitt E, Bohne F, Aichler M, Uckert W, Abken H, Heikenwalder M, Knolle P, Protzer U. (2013) T cells expressing a chimeric antigen receptor that binds hepatitis B virus envelope proteins control virus replication in mice. Gastroenterology. 145(2):456-65. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2013.04.047.
Institute of Virology
Technische Universität München
Trogerstr. 30
81675 München