Project Description

TP14: Establishment and fate of hepatitis B virus cccDNA

HBV persists by establishing a covalently closed circular (ccc) DNA form in the nucleus of infected hepatocytes, which serves as transcription template for all viral RNAs. Current antiviral treatment does not target established HBV cccDNA. In contrast, cytokines can induce modification and degradation of HBV cccDNA, but also influence its transcriptional activity. This may finally contribute to curing chronic hepatitis B. The overarching goal of this project is to understand the molecular details of the establishment of cccDNA, the maintenance of its integrity and its fate. Identified mechanisms shall serve as the basis for innovative therapies targeting HBV cccDNA.
Stadler D, Kachele M, Jones AN, Hess J, Urban C, Schneider J, Xia Y, Oswald A, Nebioglu F, Bester R, Lasitschka F, Ringelhan M, Ko C, Chou WM, Geerlof A, van de Klundert MA, Wettengel JM, Schirmacher P, Heikenwalder M, Schreiner S, Bartenschlager R, Pichlmair A, Sattler M, Unger K, Protzer U. (2021) Interferon-induced degradation of the persistent hepatitis B virus cccDNA form depends on ISG20. EMBO Rep. 22, e49568. doi:10.15252/embr.201949568.
Ko C, Su J, Festag J, Bester R, Kosinska AD, Protzer U. (2021) Intramolecular recombination enables the formation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) cccDNA in mice after HBV genome transfer using recombinant AAV vectors. Antiviral Res. 194, 105140. doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2021.105140.
Wettengel JM, Linden B, Esser K, Laue M, Burwitz BJ, Protzer U. (2021) Rapid and Robust Continuous Purification of High-Titer Hepatitis B Virus for In Vitro and In Vivo Applications. Viruses. 13. doi: 10.3390/v13081503
Oswald A, Chakraborty A, Ni Y, Wettengel JM, Urban S, Protzer U. (2021) Concentration of Na(+)-taurocholate-cotransporting polypeptide expressed after in vitro-transcribed mRNA transfection determines susceptibility of hepatoma cells for hepatitis B virus. Sci Rep. 11, 19799. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-99263-3.
Esser K*, Cheng X*, Wettengel JM*, Lucifora J, Hansen-Palmus L, Austen K, Roca Suarez AA, Heintz S, Testoni B, Nebioglu F, Pham MT, Yang S, Zernecke A, Wohlleber D, Ringelhan M, Broxtermann M, Hartmann D, Huser N, Mergner J, Pichlmair A, Thasler WE, Heikenwalder M, Gasteiger G, Blutke A, Walch A, Knolle PA, Bartenschlager R, Protzer U. (2023) Hepatitis B Virus Targets Lipid Transport Pathways to Infect Hepatocytes. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 16, 201-221. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2023.03.011.
Ko C, Chakraborty A, Chou WM, Hasreiter J, Wettengel JM, Stadler D, Bester R, Asen T, Zhang K, Wisskirchen K, McKeating JA, Ryu WS, Protzer U. (2018) Hepatitis B virus genome recycling and de novo secondary infection events maintain stable cccDNA levels. J Hepatol. 69, 1231-1241. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2018.08.012
Lucifora J, Xia Y, Reisinger F, Zhang K, Stadler D, Cheng X, Sprinzl MF, Koppensteiner H, Makowska Z, Volz T, Remouchamps C, Chou WM, Thasler WE, Huser N, Durantel D, Liang,TJ, Munk C, Heim MH, Browning JL, Dejardin E, Dandri M, Schindler M, Heikenwalder M, Protzer U. (2014) Specific and nonhepatotoxic degradation of nuclear hepatitis B virus cccDNA. Science. 343, 1221-1228. doi:10.1126/science.1243462.
Xia Y, Stadler D, Lucifora J, Reisinger F, Webb D, Hosel M, Michler T, Wisskirchen K, Cheng X, Zhang K, Chou WM, Wettengel JM, Malo A, Bohne F, Hoffmann D, Eyer F, Thimme R, Falk CS, Thasler WE, Heikenwalder M, Protzer U. (2016) Interferon-gamma and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Produced by T Cells Reduce the HBV Persistence Form, cccDNA, Without Cytolysis. Gastroenterology. 150, 194-205. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2015.09.026.
Burwitz BJ*, Wettengel JM*, Muck-Hausl MA*, Ringelhan M, Ko C, Festag MM, Hammond KB, Northrup M, Bimber BN, Jacob T, Reed JS, Norris R, Park B, Moller-Tank S, Esser K, Greene JM, Wu HL, Abdulhaqq S, Webb G, Sutton WF, Klug A, Swanson T, Legasse AW, Vu TQ, Asokan A, Haigwood NL, Protzer U*, Sacha JB.* (2017) Hepatocytic expression of human sodium-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide enables hepatitis B virus infection of macaques. Nat Commun. 8, 2146. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01953-y.
Chakraborty A, Ko C, Henning C, Lucko A, Harris JM, Chen F, Zhuang X, Wettengel JM, Roessler S, Protzer U, McKeating JA. (2020) Synchronised infection identifies early rate-limiting steps in the hepatitis B virus life cycle. Cell Microbiol. 22, e13250. doi:10.1111/cmi.13250.